Macomb County Painters and Painting Services
Painting in Macomb County
Painting seems like an easy task but it is more complex than you might think. Plus, who has the time for everything? Between moving furniture and taping off trim, to covering everything plus the painting itself, it’s hours and hours of work. If you’re painting the exterior of your house, things can get even more complicated. At Mad Dad Handyman, we have the patience and skills to provide the best painting services in Macomb County.
Residential Interior Painting
From time to time, your house needs to be painted inside. Sometimes, you just want to refresh the look of your home or just a room or two. If you moved into a new house, you want to make it your own. Psychology has proven that certain colors create different moods, and color can have an amazing affect on both us and our homes. Improve the energy of your home and cheer yourself up with bright colors. Change the entire look and feel of your rooms with a dark, bold color.
When you need your home painted inside, our team will move your furniture, cover windows, and prep all the walls to remove any unsightly blemishes, cracks, or holes. We can caulk spaces, seal windows, redo window sills, remove stains, scrape loose paint, and more. Some examples of the residential interior painting services we offer extend beyond just walls:
- Interior Painting
- Room Painting
- Ceiling Painting
- Closet Painting
- Bedroom Painting
- Kitchen Painting
- Living Room Painting
- Hallway Painting
- Door Painting
- Basement Painting
- Cabinet Painting
- Crown Molding Painting
- Ornamental Decorations
- Apartment Painting
- Garage Painting
- And more!
Residential Exterior Painting
Routine maintenance of your house often includes exterior painting. Sometimes, you want to refresh the look of your home with a new color. If you moved into a new house, you might simply want to make it your own.
At Mad Dad Handyman, we are with you every step of the way. We prepare the outside of your home by cleaning the surfaces, remove and correct any imperfections, caulk spaces, seal windows, remove stains and other debris, while also removing any loose or peeling paint.
Once all exterior surfaces are fixed and prepped, we move on to covering all doors, windows, lights, and other items that need to be. Then, we start painting your house. Some of the exterior paint services we offer include:
- Exterior Home Painting
- Stucco Painting
- Ceiling Painting
- Coating Painting
- Brick Painting
- Garage Painting
- Fence Painting
- Exterior Door Painting
- Window Frame Painting
- Exterior Staining
- Deck Painting and Staining
- And more!
Handyman Services
We offer a variety of handyman services in Macomb County including:
Mad Dad Handyman is the Best Macomb County Painter
Mad Dad Handyman is committed to providing the highest quality service and offering you with the best possible advice and solutions for your electrical needs. We are driven to maintain long term relationships with our customers and are dedicated to help. Our main commitment is your satisfaction.
When you hire someone to paint your house, you want to hire someone that you can trust. Mad Dad Handyman has been the trusted source of thousands of customers in the tri-county area and we have 5-star reviews for a reason. Let our professional painters handle your paint and painting needs today. We are licensed and insured. Call us now at 586-252-7299.
Macomb County Handyman Services:
Armada, Bruce, Bruce Township, Centerline, Chesterfield, Clinton Township, Eastpointe, Fraser, Harrison Township, Lenox, Macomb, Mount Clemens, New Baltimore, New Haven, Ray, Richmond, Romeo, Roseville, Selfridge A N G B, Shelby Township, St. Clair Shores, Sterling Heights, Utica, Warren, and Washington
5 stars
4.8 stars